EOS establishes Working Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

13 July 2023

The European Organisation for Security (EOS) is pleased to announce the creation of a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) Working Group which aims to support the development of a strong European AI security market.

The creation of this AI Working Group is particularly important at a time when it is becoming increasingly apparent that Artificial Intelligence is not only affecting the entire spectrum of security domains, from Border and Urban Security, to Protection of Critical Infrastructure, to Cybersecurity, but can also be used by hostile States and malevolent actors to conduct cyber and physical attacks and pursue terrorist or criminal goals.

To minimise risks to citizens and infrastructure, it is important for Europe to ensure its strategic autonomy in the development of AI systems employed for security purposes. European programmes aimed at developing and deploying AI-enabled capabilities in the security ecosystem represent the most effective way to achieve Europe’s strategic autonomy.

In this context, the AI Working Group will be continuing the work of EOS’s AI Task Force on defining common European requirements for AI, identifying technological and capability gaps and solutions, and implementing an AI-focused capability development plan for security. Through this work, EOS reaffirms its position as the voice of the security industry and research community in Europe.

More information on the Artificial Intelligence Working Group is available here.

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